About New England Wax
NEW ENGLAND WAX (N.E.W.) is a lively and growing professional organization connecting artists in the six New England states who work with encaustic and other wax-based mediums.
N.E.W. provides opportunities
- to exhibit
- to share technical information and aesthetic ideas
- to build friendships with other artists
Our mission is
- to promote excellence in fine art made with encaustic and other wax-based mediums
- to educate the general public about these mediums
- to increase interest in encaustic in the art world
What is encaustic?
Encaustic, meaning “to burn in” in Greek, dates back to the 5th century B.C. Used as a contemporary medium, it is a versatile method of painting with a beeswax-based paint kept molten on a heated palette. Using an absorbent and sturdy support, artists mix colors, apply wax, fuse, etch, layer, collage, transfer photocopied images, and incorporate found objects.
What are other wax-based mediums?
The other mediums that incorporate wax, include cold wax medium, wax pastes, and water-based wax paints. Cold wax medium is a beeswax and resin dissolved in a solvent. It is customarily added to oil paint for its ability to add body and translucency. Wax pastes are made with linseed oil, and also are mixed with oil paints, without the use of solvents. Water-based wax paints are emulsions that allow for diluting with water.
More about New England Wax
- We have about 30 artist-members from all six New England states.
- Our goals include professional, juried exhibitions in high quality venues.
- We meet about six times per year, in different parts of New England
- Our meetings always have an art component, such as museum or exhibition visits, guest speakers, art shares, or artist interviews, as well as a business meeting
- There are attendance and participation requirements—you must show up and you must contribute.
- Hélène Farrar is the current President, with Ruth Sack as President-elect.
- Former Presidents include, Jeanne Borofsky, Debra Claffey, Pamela DeJong, Dietlind Vander Schaaf, and Angel Dean.
New England Wax Founder – Professional Artist and Teacher Kim Bernard

Helpful links for artists painting in the encaustic medium:
R&F Handmade Paints, Inc.
Evans Encaustics
Miles Conrad Encaustics
Enkaustikos Paints
Kama Pigments
Artist’s Workshop Panels
The Art of Encaustic Painting
International Encaustic Artists (IEA)
International Encaustic Conference
Museum of Encaustic Art