My work is memoir. I create art to invoke the serenity, justice, and beauty I seek in life. Playing with wax like a child, time traveling through my life to exhume buried moments, I take advantage of this dislocation and use remnants of the past to portray restoration, healing, and joy.
Color, layer, and light create my narrative, I work with encaustic and oil paints, cold wax, and various dyes and inks on paper, fiber, and wood panels. Blues dominate my palette, gestures are curvilinear, luminosity is always critical. Multiple layers create structure and terrain to reveal an archeology of intention and process. My media of choice allow ample time for the work to set and cure, necessary for me to engage in the development of the piece, to excavate, build, and resolve its story and integrity.
Edith Beatty maintains a studio in the village of Waterbury, Vermont. A fiber artist most of her life, she focuses now on painting. Born in Boston, Edie has lived predominantly in Maine and Vermont. She earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Indiana University, and enjoyed an extensive career designing and creating learning opportunities to promote social justice and equity. She now shifts her focus to making works of art that convey that same struggle and hope.
Continuing her lifelong quest for learning, Edie is a member of the Yellow Chair Salon based in New York City, an international group curated by encaustic artist Michael David; and New England Wax, artists from the six New England states who work with encaustic and other wax-based mediums. She has studied with fiber, design, and encaustic artists over a period of more than 30 years, and has completed residencies and master classes at Haystack School of Craft, Crow Barn, Fuller Craft Museum, Schoodic Institute, Maine Coast Encaustic Retreat, and Truro Center for the Arts. She has shown her work through juried, curated, and invited shows nationally.
Edie lives with her husband in the Worcester Range of the Green Mountains of Vermont with inspiring views of the hills, woods, and continual shifts in skies and weather patterns. When not painting, she cycles, kayaks, travels, cooks, and practices yoga and meditation.